A little about Chelsea

Integrative Health Practitioner, Personal Trainer/Yoga Practitioner, & one who is deeply driven by the guiding light of healing.

My mission in life is to help you heal, transform and elevate your life. I want to create a space where you can tell your story truly be heard. A place where you can finally get the answers you seek about your body, life and healing. A place where you are understood, elevated and supported in becoming the most magnetic, healed and aligned version of yourself possible.

When I was diagnosed with “incurable diseases”, Endometriosis,IBS, & chronic fatigue I started from the bottom. I found the best schools and educated myself in: Nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, and Spirituality. I decided I wanted to understand every element of healing. I studied Yoga & Meditation, to learn and understand the meaning of life. I studied psychology, and relationships to understand how energy work and philosophy can weave into healing. I’ve spend years learning how our past shapes our present and how to change our future. I went from struggling to get through the day, to attracting everything I ever wanted. From feeling broken, exhausted and overwhelmed to healthy, vibrant + magnetic. And now I get to do that for you too!

I chose to become an Integrative Health Practitioner because I believed in a better way for women’s health. As a woman who has suffered for many years with hormonal issues & severe period pain, I know how frustrating it can be when leaving your doctors office without answers or root cause solutions. Integrative Practitioners and Naturopathic principals utilize a whole person approach to healing & focus on getting to the root causing using evidence-based natural modalities.

My Approach & Integrative Health 

How I Practice:  

Functional lab testing can often help us glean more information that typical lab work. Comprehensive blood work + functional labs, including urinary hormone modalities, hair tissue & mineral analysis stool analysis & environmental toxins are a few of my favorites to utilize in my practice.

Functional Lab Testing  

Integrative Health & Naturopathic Principals emphasizes on the importance of addressing the foundation of health. These include things like nutrition, sleep, stress, movement, exposures & other areas that promote a sold foundation for health & healing.

Foundations of Health

Botanical medicine is an amazing and effective modality. Individuality is incredibly important as an herb that works for one person but may not be indicated for the other. Targeted nutritional supplements can also play a vital role in supporting overall health & correcting deficiencies.

Botanical Medicine & Nutritional Supplements  

Chelsea’s Credentials

Integrative Health Practitioner, Integrative Health Practitioner Institute

Spiritual Life Coach, Dharma Coaching Institute

Certified Mercier Therapist, Dr. Jennifer Mercier

Pranaya Yoga Teacher (200hr), Sarah Melini

Certified Emobodiment Yoga Instructor, Mary Beth LaRue

NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM

BirthFit Coach, Lindsey Matthews/BirthFit

Mind Body Spirit Release Practitioner

Simply Aligned Energy Practitioner

100 Hour Somatic Experiencing

Reiki Level One

Pain Free Performance Specialist

Additional Trainings:

Strong Fit

Dona Doula

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization 1, 2 & Women’s Pelvic Floor

Spinning Babies

CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Kids

In Progress:

Naturopathic Practitioner, NHI College

Root Cause Protocol Practitioner, RCP Institutte

Theta Healing Hypnotherapy, Niki Cozmo

Clinical Master Herbalist, NHI College